We are Gringo Nordic, a curious little coffee roasting company in Gothenburg, Sweden. 

We source 100 % fully transparent speciality coffees from single farms, estates and cooperatives. A lot of the coffees come from organically certified farms. But a lot of the coffee comes from much smaller plantations, where a certification would not be economically possible. But we support them anyway, there is often a lot of good intentions behind each farmer, especially the ones that work with quality. They do not want to act stupid on the planet, and generally avoid the high costs of fertilizers to any cost.

We roast our coffee with a so-called slow roast method - by hand and in small batches - on the most energy-efficient roasting machine on the planet, using air flow technology. We adapt each roasting to each unique coffee so that there is a balance between sweetness, acidity and fullness, then we think that the coffee usually tastes best.

We really love coffee - we will make sure you never doubt it.


Gringo Nordic was founded in 2018 by Johan Ekfeldt, who previously founded Sweden's first specialty coffee roastery, Johan & Nyström. Together with his wife Pernilla and business partner Magnus Alfjärd, he runs the roastery on the outskirts of Gothenburg. The name “GRINGO” stuck after workers at Johan's coffee farm Finca La Tierra - in Colombia - started calling him that. We also have a coffee bar in our roastery, where we serve espresso drinks, brewed coffee and pour overs and you can buy coffee beans and tea and accessories to take home. If you want ground coffee, we grind it on site! On some Saturdays we open our doors for a full Gringo experience, when we have a café with homemade coffee and host free cupping sessions (coffee tastings).

A warm welcome to our roastery shop and coffee bar! Our entire range of coffee, tea and accessories is always available here. You can also have a really good cup of coffee in our coffee bar, both from the espresso machine and as a pour over. 
The shop and coffee bar is open: 

Monday - Friday 8-16

Lördagsöppet i vår 2025 :  15/2, 15/3, 26/4 24/5  Helgen 1-2/3 hittar ni oss på Nordic Coffee Fest här i Göteborg – välkommen dit!

På lördagar har vi öppet 11-15 och då finns det alltid  gott, hembakt fika och sittplatser i rosteriet, i kaffebaren och utomhus. 

On the open Saturdays, we also have cuppings (coffee tastings) at 12 noon and 2 p.m. They are free and open to everyone. Drop in.
We try new addition to our line of Single Origins and other exciting coffees and talk about specialty coffee. Keep an eye on social media for any updates/further info!
Welcome to Gringo Nordic!



For as long as I can remember, I've had my head full of coffee. For many years I was a dedicated hobby roaster and eventually got a job at Kahls Kaffe. After six educational years there, I co-founded Johan & Nyström in 2004. We were Sweden's first specialty coffee roastery and worked consciously to fundamentally change people's coffee habits.

After selling my share in the company and three years outside the coffee stand (I meanwhile managed to buy a coffee farm in Colombia), I started in May 2018 - together with Magnus & Pernilla - Gringo.

I really missed roasting coffee. I love turning on the roaster in the morning, sensing the coffee all day and working directly with the farmers and with all the passionate and coffee-loving people you meet in specialty coffee. It is simply the best job in the world.



You might say I got married for coffee. But you might also say that I grew up with northern coffee; lightly roasted and gently brewed. And that what I like most about coffee is to spread knowledge about specialty coffee and show how good it can really taste when all the different characters of coffee emerge and how good it feels to know that coffee is grown in a traceable and sustainable way where the coffee grower really get paid reasonably. 

I think the best thing about working with coffee is all the meetings, everything from coffee farmers to all the nice people in the coffee industry and especially with you who, just like me, simply love a good cup of coffee! 

På Gringo håller jag provningar,  kaffekurser, möter gäster i rosteributiken, hjälper nya och gamla kunder till gott kaffe



Jag är i grunden kock, men insåg att kaffe är det roligaste som finns när jag jobbade på Johan & Nyström som säljare. Efter ett år ute på havet så är jag tillbaka där jag trivs bäst, bland gott kaffe och kaffeälskande kunder.

På Gringo får jag gräva mig djupare in i kaffet och jag är lite av företagets MacGyver; här finns alltid något att fixa. Förutom att jag är produktions- och lageransvarig, så hittar ni mig bakom ratten eller styret på våra leveransfordon. 

Jag har dessutom daglig kontakt med både nya och befintliga kunder.




It's no exaggeration to say that I was born into the world of coffee; my upbringing has revolved around all things coffee in every possible way. Many of my great interests - such as traveling and meeting new people - are found in the exciting world of specialty coffee, and here I want to learn as much as I can. During my years in high school, I worked as a barista at Da Matteo in Gothenburg and now I am one of the others in the gang here at Gringo.

Now I combine the job at Gringo with studying at Stockholm University. At the moment I study 6 months in London, so instead of holding barista courses I take care of our news-letters and other things for our web, that I have time for in addition to my studies.



My coffee journey started early, I was just a young teenager when I started working for Tord Wetter at the legendary Mauritz coffee in Gothenburg. It was also here where I got my first insight into how freshly roasted coffee smells, and how good coffee can really be when it is roasted and brewed with love and emotion.

Joining the team at Gringo Nordic and continuing my coffee journey here therefore feels like a natural and exciting continuation. I am now the head roaster here at Gringo and develop unique profiles for our coffees, so it means a daily evaluation and quality control - a very fun job!


When I started at Gringo, I didn't drink coffee, but now I'm as fond of this noble beverage as the rest of the gang. I am really interested in all the flavors of good coffee and no two cups are the same. My morning always starts with a pot of Chemex - preferably with something new and exciting!

At Gringo, I make sure our customers get nice bags, I label, pack and handle most of the internal logistics. I also pack orders for our retailers and cafés/restaurants. 





One winter Saturday I sat with a friend and enjoyed a good cup of coffee among beans and coffee stuff in the roastery. Gringo was open on Saturdays and I got a strong feeling that I like it here. It was a nice moment that was enhanced by all the lovely Gringos who like to talk about coffee as much as I do.

A few months later I did my first day here at Gringo. To work with good people, both here at the roastery and with our amazing customers, to try new lovely beans from different parts of the world and to learn more about coffee every day - that's what brightens my everyday life.

At Gringo, I work with a little bit of everything – for example order processing, website, our web shop and roasting.


Soils, regenerative farming, pruning, soil improvement, irrigation, fertilization and everything else that has to do with the cultivation of what makes our working days here at Gringo exist at all - these are the things that I am hooked on and dream away to grey Gothenburg days!
I am originally a gardener and enjoy working with my hands so now being part of the roasting and production team at Gringo feels just right as a job for me, I learn new things and drink new coffees almost every day. At the moment the favorite is from Ethiopia!


The coffee of my childhood was Bosan kahva - the strong, unfiltered Bosnian coffee served from a desva (copper pot); with sugar in my mother's kitchen. I understood early on that coffee is important, and that coffee is a glue that brings people together.
Nowadays I have the luxury of drinking different brewing methods every day if I want to, but I prefer a cup of good brewed coffee from different origins, it can be chocolatey and nutty but I am also fond of experimental processing methods. 
At Gringo, I'm part of the production team, labeling, bagging, boxing and packing web orders.


For the first 20 years of my life I had such bad allergies and chronic illnesses that I wasn’t able to smell anything. When I finally found proper treatment a whole world opened up for me. This is also when I started to drink coffee for the first time and got hooked on specialty coffee straight away. Not only could I smell things at all but I actually noticed I had an incredibly sensitive nose, as well as taste buds and all other senses. I always thought this was an annoying thing until I started working as a barista next to my studies environmental and political sciences.

By now I have worked and studied specialty coffee in 4 different countries and my curiosity has far from depleted. Since this summer I’m part of the roasters team here and it makes me understand coffee even more than I already did. I do love to run around like a little mad woman and do everything that is needed in the company so you’ll see me at events, in the cafe, customer service, packing and handling orders as well.