Single Origin

Colombia Villa Betulia Pink Bourbon

green apple . lime zest . nectarine

Whole Beans


  • SEK: kr 190,12

Luis Anibal Calderon - probably the producer from whom we have bought the most micro lots - is a dedicated collector and breeder of exotic coffee varieties. He sees his collection - at his farm Villa Betulia in the Huila region - as an arboretum and is constantly looking for new varieties to plant and develop. Through his work, he has achieved remarkable success and is now one of the world's most distinctive coffee growers.

We have been roasting Luis Anibal's coffees since the first days of Gringo and have visited his farm several times. He is a remarkable and admirable producer in every way, you never know in which direction he will develop his coffee portfolio; experimentation and control go hand in hand and new exotic flavor profiles are always lurking behind each coffee. 

Among his exceptional varieties is the remarkable Pink Bourbon, som utgör denna lilla wet-processed Micro Lot. In the coffee we find lots of the elegant and complex bright flavours that has made Pink Bourbon one of Colombia's most brilliant coffee varieties; here we find notes of apple, lemongrass, apricot and a fine balance between sweetness & acidity.

Luis Anibal Calderón is a second-generation coffee farmer from Acevedo, Huila. His life in the fields began when he was 12 years old and he has since worked tirelessly to become - as he is today - one of the world's most prominent coffee farmers. We have bought his coffees since the beginning and visited him several times, and have seen first-hand how he is constantly evolving, and with it the demand for his coffees and  prices - continuously evolve. Many roasters are lining up to buy his coffee. 

At the age of 15, Luis' father gave him a small piece of land to work and started saving the profits from production. 6 years later, he managed to buy his first farm. He got married and had three children. At the age of 40, he bought the Villa Betulia farm where he first planted Castillo and Caturra. 

In 2012 he started planting 5000 geisha trees and after seeing the success of this production and its excellent quality, he decided to plant his entire farm in exotic varieties such as Bourbon Rojo, Tabi, Bourbon Amarillo, Java, Sidra, Caturrón, Maragogype, Papayo, Pacamara, Maragesha, Bourbon Rosado, Gesha Rosado, Gesha Amarillo, Wush Wush, Mocha, Maracaturra, Chiroso, Bourbon Azul among others. 

Weight 0,25 kg



Villa Betulia – Luis Anibal Caledron


Acevedo, Huila


1550 metre


Pink Bourbon

Process method

Fully Washed under water

Drying Method

Raised drying beds under UV protection 

harvest period

June-July 2024


120 kilo


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